Her Story
Claire Nuer was an incredible teacher of our times and a pioneer in the fields of personal mastery, leadership and conflict resolution. As a survivor of the Holocaust and of cancer, Claire turned a lifetime of challenges into a commitment to being a constructive force in the world. She honed those early lessons into teachings, and her compassion empowered her to continue to share her teachings and knowledge throughout her life.
Born to Jewish parents in Paris in 1933, Claire spent the formative years of her childhood in fear, hiding from the tyranny of the Nazi occupation. Her father, Herzlich Nuer, and most of his family died in the Holocaust. This horrific experience instilled in Claire an unshakable commitment to do whatever necessary—from the smallest daily behaviors to the largest projects—so that such an extreme example of inhumanity would never happen again. She devoted the last two decades of her
life to developing educational programs, conferences, seminars, and panel discussions aimed at fostering conflict resolution and intercultural dialogue.
Overcoming terminal cancer led Claire to study the field of human potential and inspired her to teach others that we don’t have to wait until we are faced with a crisis -such as a disease, divorce, or bankruptcy to re-clarify our deepest goals and aspirations and to improve our communication, behavior, and relationships with others.
A highly acclaimed facilitator, Claire, along with her life partner, Sami Cohen, pioneered a powerful set of conceptual and practical tools for both work and personal that helped thousands of people. These programs are still delivered today and some of the concepts taught in prestigious universities.
Claire was a Fellow and Trustee of the World Business Academy, a member of the International Society of Psycho-Oncology, and a Member Consultant of the Society for Organizational Learning. She was also a participant in the Goldner Holocaust Biennial Symposia “The Road to Responsibility in the Age of the Shoah” held at Wroxton College in England. Claire was featured on television and radio and in print publications in Europe, Canada and the United States, including Joe Jaworski’s book Synchronicity. She led conferences sponsored by the Commonwealth Club, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, the United Nations, the Annual Scholars’ Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches, and the State of the World Forum.
Claire passed in 1999 at only 66 years of age. The Nuer Foundation was established that same year to continue helping others with her work and teachings.
In 1992, Claire was interviewed by the Bay Area Holocaust Oral History Project, and her recorded memories are now part of the permanent collection of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. Watch her interview here.
For a different summary of her life, read this article from the Jewish News of Northern California.
Her Voice
Speaking in her native French, translated by her daughter Lara, find below short clips of Claire presenting thought-provoking ideas.
Most of these extracts are recorded at seminars she facilitated
For Claire Nuer, everyone can be a leader. A leader is someone who says I’m (co-)responsible whereas a non-leader says THEY are responsible.
Listen to Claire challenge people to look for an overarching purpose in their life––a Noble Goal.
(Edited by Stone Soup Leadership Institute)
Claire Nuer explains how her own sense of insecurity as a small child during WWII continued to impact her all the way into adulthood… and how we pass these anxieties down to our children.
In 1992, Claire was interviewed by the Bay Area Holocaust Oral History Project, and her recorded memories are now part of the permanent collection of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. Watch her interview here.
Claire Nuer on Diversity - La Bouillabaisse
Claire Nuer uses the image of preparing the traditional stew from the south of France, called the Bouillabaisse to talk about diversity. All different ingredients are necessary to make that dish sing.
“Beyond the Ego-System,” Claire Nuer, Leverage, Pegasus Communications
“Eco-System Leadership,” Claire Nuer, Perspectives on Business and Global Change, World Business Academy
“L’aventure d’une guérison,” Claire Nuer prefaced the French edition of “The healing journey” by Dr. Simonton
Told By Others
Many leaders, authors, and speakers have benefitted and been influenced by Claire and her teachings. Here are a few books, articles, and podcasts referencing Claire.
by Joseph Jaworski
Mr. Jaworski was stuck by how to finish his book until his encounter with Claire Nuer at a conference in Bretton Woods. She is featured in his last chapter.
When the Running Began
by Shayne B. Hughes
Mr. Hughes recounts his turbulent, downward-spiraling teenage years. Claire Nuer helped him find another path. She is featured in a couple of chapters.
The Infinite Game
by Simon Sinek
In chapter 7, Mr. Sinek presents the story of Claire Nuer training the oil rig URSA crew that he heard in the NPR Invisibilia radio show.
The Turning Point by Marianne Larned. Ms. Larned valued Claire Nuer as a mentor and featured Claire’s life and legacy in one of her “Hero Reports.”
Invisibilia: The New Norm
Podcast episode by Alix Spiegel and new co-host, Hanna Rosin
Much to our chagrin, the authors of this podcast decided to present a colorful and sensationalistic depiction of Claire Nuer that made her seem more new-age than she really was. Even the tag line of “teaching oil rig worker how to cry” is meant to be more catching than accurate. However, the episode also does a good job at conveying the powerful impact Claire and her work has had even in the expected settings.